Training & Workshops

Chethana has highly qualified professionals who have teaching experience in India and abroad. We ‎are presently providing training facility for M.Phil Clinical Psychologists, PhD's in Psychology and ‎mental health nursing trainees.‎

Observer ship Programmes : We provide clinical observership programmes to doctors, medical ‎students, mental health nurses, psychologists and other mental health professionals who wish to ‎get practical exposure to practice of psychiatry and clinical psychology in India. We already have a ‎number of medical students and nursing students from UAE and UK making use of this ‎programme.‎

Interested candidates may contact Dr. P.N.Suresh Kumar by mail at

From time to time we conduct workshops on various topics.‎

We already have conducted workshops on ADHD, Behaviour Problems, Learning Difficulties. ‎Interested corporates and educational Institutions can contact us to know more details like ‎conducting training for their employees and staff.‎

Some of our workshop topics include :‎
Stress Management
Memory Skills
Substance Abuse
Communication skills
Personality Development
Parenting Skills – managing difficult children (behaviour modification).‎
Parental / care giver guidance workshops and day programs
Common mental health problems in children - Role of teachers
Understanding ADHD, Autism, Leaning difficulties in children