1.‎ Whom should I consult (Psychiatrist/clinical psychologist/ Psychologists /counsellor‎
Psychiatrist - is an MBBS Doctor who has done post graduate specialization in Psychiatric Medicine. He ‎rules out organic causes and treats or manages the concerns using Medicines and Electroconvulsive ‎Therapy (ECT) inaddiction to the other options like psychotherapies, EMDR technique, Hypnotherapy, ‎etc.‎
Clinical Psychologists - are professionals who have done M.Phil or Phd in Clinical Psychology and ‎registered as Clinical Psychologists with Rehabilitaion Council of India. They are qualified in doing ‎psychometry, IQ assessments and identifying mental health disorders and manage with non medical ‎means like psychotherapies and behavior modifications, etc. People who do just a BA or MA or Phd in ‎psychology do not have the skills and knowledge of a clinical Psychologist.‎
Psychologists - These individuals are those who have done BA psychology and mostly deals with normal ‎psychology and do not have certified training in abnormal psychology. They would not have done ‎training in a hospital setting. They cannot identify or rule out disorers nor treat.‎
Speech and Language Therapist for speech and swallowing difficulties.‎
Community Psychiatric Nurse specialization has still not picked up in India
Occupational Therapist - helps in assessing the abilities of the individual concerned and suggests ‎appropriate steps or measures that need to be made in the environment of the patient/client.‎
Special Educationist - helps in identifying and training children and adults deficient in Daily Self help ‎skills, Specific Learning Disorders like dyslexia, Slow learners, etc.‎
Psychiatric Social Worker - helps the client / patient in getting the benefits the government has to ‎offer by liaisoning with the concerned departments.‎

‎2.‎ For what all conditions I need to consult a psychiatrist?‎
Symptoms/Concerns are what the patient or his carers feel he is experiencing. They can be classified ‎into

General Symptoms
Afraid to speak in a group
Concentration problems
Difficulty understanding things
Eating and appetite concerns
Inferiority feelings
Memory problems
Mood problems
Not able to sit still
Sex related problems
Sleep concerns
Stress and tension
Stuttering & stammering
Talking to self.‎

Specific symptoms
Bed wetting
Checking unnecessarily
Eating disorders.‎
Death wish - desire to die
Feeling that death is imminent
Grandiose thinking
Guilt feelings
Hearing voices
Increased suspicions and doubts
Persecutory ideation
Strange behaviour
Suicidal ideation
Unusual experiences like somebody else is controlling the thoughts or actions, belief that ‎somebody is doing black magic or "chathabadi" etc
Useless and repetitive thoughts

Alcohol Addiction
Cannabis, Grass, Ganja, Bhang
Cocaine dependence
Combinations like speedballing
Cough syrups and other Medicines
Heroin, Morphine, Opium
Inhaling/Sniffing substances like Petrol, Glue, Turpentine, Whitener
Internet Addiction
Tobacco: "Pan Paraag", "Zarda"‎

‎3.‎ Are mental illnesses curable?‎
All mental illnesses are treatable but no assurance can be given that they will not recover again. In that ‎sense they are not curable.‎
Medications and Psychotherapy (Specialised counselling) will definitely improve the quality of all ‎psychological / mental conditions.‎

‎4.What are the causes of mental illnesses‎
Science does not yet understand completely the cause for most of the mental illnesses. But enough ‎scientific understanding and development has taken place to
Who are all involved in the management of patients with psychiatric or psychological ‎problems?‎
Psychiatrist - is an MBBS Doctor who has done post graduate specialization in Psychiatric Medicine. He ‎rules out medical causes like hypothyroidism and treats os manages the concerns using Medicines and ‎Electoconvulsive Therapy(shock treatment, (ETC)) in addition to the other options like ‎psychotherapies, EMDR technique, Hypnotherapy, etc.‎
Clinical Psychologists - are professionals who have done M.Phil or PhdIn Clinical Psychology and ‎registered as Clinical Psychologists with Rehabilition Council of India. They are qualified in doing ‎psychometry, IQ assesments and identifying mental health disorders and manage with non-medical ‎means like psychotherapies and behavior modifications, etc.‎
Counsellors / Psychologists: People who do just a BA or MA or Phd in psychology do not have the skills ‎and knowledge of a Clinical Psychologist as they do not have any specific training in
Speech and Language Therapist for Speech and Swallowing difficulties.‎
Community Psychiatric Nurse specialization has still not picked up in India
Occupational Therapist - helps in assessing the abilities of the individual concerned and suggests ‎appropriate steps or measures that need to be made in the environment of the patient/client.‎
Special Educationist - helps in identifying and training children and adults deficient in Daily Self help ‎skills, Specific Learning Disorders like dyslexia, Slow learners, etc.‎
Remedial Educators : specialise in specific aspects of say spelling and writting difficulties.‎
Psychiatric Social Worker - helps the client / patient in getting the benefits the government has to offer ‎by liaising with the concerned departments.‎