Day Care & Respite Services

Day care programmes:‎

Chethana believe in de-stigmatization of the mentally ill. After treatment, ‎it becomes important for patients to be rehabilitated into mainstream society.‎
Chethana REHABILITATION CENTRE provides the patient with tranquil ‎rehabilitation facilities where they can prepare to join the mainstream of life as ‎they recover from their illness.‎

Patient with Chronic mental illness often remain idle at home with poor socialisation - the day ‎care services help in improving their social and other skills by providing a structured routine ‎with a chance at socialisation with others. It also provides respite for the family members.‎
It is also useful in some individuals to gather more data by direct observation by professionals ‎so as to enable the doctors to reach a clear diagnosis.‎
Day care programme is usually for a minimum period of one month.‎
We are also evolving a programme for those who have behavioural issues to be addressed ‎after a stroke or head injury for example need interventions like cognitive retraining and also ‎specific exercise schedules which will teach them compensatory behaviours.‎
The DAYCARE programme for respite and Rehab services tries to enable the individual to lead ‎an independent and disciplined life.‎

Daily Routine:‎
• TIME: Day care programme starts every day at 9:30 am and ends at 3:30pm.‎
• Lunch can be provided at the centre and weekly/ monthly non-refundable tickets can be ‎purchased.‎
• The time table (approx) structure is provided below: (subject to change without notice)‎

TIMINGS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday  
09:15-9:30 Arrive at the centre           S
9:30-10:30             u
10:30-11:00             n
11:00-12:00 Yoga / Pranayama Yoga / Pranayama Yoga / Pranayama Yoga / Pranayama Yoga / Pranayama Yoga / Pranayama d
12:00-13:00 Art & Craft Therapy Art & Craft Therapy Art & Craft Therapy Art & Craft Therapy Art & Craft Therapy Art & Craft Therapy a
13:00-13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch y
‎14:30-‎‎15:30‎ Music ‎Therapy Music ‎Therapy Music ‎Therapy Music ‎Therapy Music ‎Therapy Music ‎Therapy y

Respite Services
Respite services to the other family members from the really demanding patients (Elderly, ‎and Children. Eg. If the family wants to go somewhere locally but have no one to take care of ‎the elderly with mental Health issues they can get them to attend our Day Care programmes

• Monthly and long term packages
• Day Long Respite services
• Week long Respite services

Thanal Rahabilitation Centre

Address : No.69/2095-A.
Near Thayat Bhagavathy Temple.
Republic Road.
PO. Eranhipalam.
Pin. 673006.

Phone : 0495 2760000(office)
Mob: +91 949574262

Email ID :
Web site :